The Utility Network’s Best Friend, Your Twin!

By Robert Brook, Published on: 30th November 2018

One of the advantages of participating at a global conference is the opportunity to compare the range of market offerings. At GeoConX 2018, the hot topic was the Utility Network (UN). Attendees were searching for differentiators while they evaluated their options. The UN provides powerful advancements, but it also entails […]


An Innovative Solution to Forecast Floods in Real Time

By Pratul Shrivastava, Published on: 26th November 2018

Why we need real time flood forecasting ? Flood is considered to be one of the most recurring and frequent disasters in the world. In India alone, each year, almost 2,000 people loose their lives and substantial economic losses are incurred. Recent floods events such as the Uttarakhand Flood – 2013, Jammu & Kashmir Flood […]