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Climate Change impact assessment and adaptation strategies for sustainable development of societies

RMSI provides technical consulting to facilitate developing countries in addressing risks associated with a changing climate. Our experts help develop climate change adaptation plans and strategies that protect and safeguard the livelihood of their communities and societies. Our solutions include development of climate scenarios at regional and local level through downscaling techniques, sector-specific vulnerability and risk assessment, and cost effective adaptation strategies.

We have extensive experience of working with government agencies across Asia, Africa, and Europe; and international funding agencies such as The World Bank Group, ADB (Asian Development Bank) for climate change related studies.



Climate Change Impact Assessment
Our expert climatologists and meteorologists conduct science-based climate variability and change analysis and assess the impact on key sectors such as water and agriculture, and analyze its effects on people and livelihoods. Key solutions include

  • Climate change scenario development
  • Downscaling of global models to regional and local levels
  • Assessment of impact of climate variability on hydro-metrological hazards
  • Assessment of impact of climate change on Agriculture, Water, & Infrastructure
  • Assessment of climate change induced spatial shifts in Natural & Agro Eco-Systems
  • Analysis of impacts of climate variability and change on communities

Adaptation Planning

RMSI solutions include identifying location-specific adaptation options and prioritizing them based on the rules/ regulations, policies and economic parameters.

  • Local/ Regional climate change adaptation measures for key affected sectors
  • Guidelines for mainstreaming of adaptation options into development planning
  • Cost-benefit analysis of adaptation options
  • Formulation of most appropriate institutional mechanisms for implementation

Climate Information Systems

RMSI provides advisory services for implementing a climate information system at national/ province levels. This includes developing a framework for providing climate service, identifying key data elements and sectors that need climate data, defining collaboration mechanisms for data sharing and updating, and recommending system sustainability options.

  • Assessment of climate information needs and gaps
  • Guidelines to set up and maintain ‘Climate Monitoring Stations’
  • Formulate a model for national centralized climate database system
  • Development of climate information dissemination solutions

Training & Capacity Building

The success of any analysis lies in transfer of technology to the key stakeholders.

To ensure long term usability and benefits of our solutions, RMSI project teams offer training and capacity building to key stakeholders in a project. We offer detailed training manuals, handouts and in-person training on the following subjects:

  • Climate modeling approaches and downscaling techniques
  • Climate induced risks assessment
  • Selection of Adaptation measures including cost and benefits analysis
  • Implementing adaptation measures

Consultancy Services for PPCE Program

The key objective of the PPCR program is to ensure implementation of the adaptation measures at the grass root level and the private sector can play a crucial role in ding the same. RMSI has been involved in several PPCR engagements to understand how the private sector could be involved and motivated to take up the implementation of critical climate change adaptation measures.

We offer consultancy services to seed firms, fertilizer firms, irrigation technology providers, farmer associations, research and academic institutions, financial institutions and insurance companies in the following areas:

  • Feasibility studies for improved agricultural practices
  • Stakeholder consultations to assess the gaps and needs Gap and Need Analysis
  • Development of investment models for improved irrigation systems
  • Development of investment models for climate resilient seeds
  • Recommendations on potential agri-insurance business model options
  • Facilitation of private sector investments for climate change adaptation in agriculture and water sector

Developing Climate Information Systems at Regional, National & Global Levels