Profile and Information of Crop Exposure and Risk

The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) has been a boon for the Indian farmer, and has offered an exponential growth opportunity for the Indian insurance industry as well. However, along with the dramatic increase in the scale of crop insurance operations in the country, there has been a series of challenges for the insurers, including lack of collated historical weather and hazard data, arriving at the correct premium pricing strategy for different states, and early verification of claims.

PInCER™ (Profile and Information of Crop Exposure and Risk) – is a comprehensive risk management tool for crop insurance. It is a breakthrough solution that applies innovative approaches to premium pricing, claims settlement and planning a reinsurance strategy.

Coverage: 700 Farming District | 20 Major Crops | 02 Crop Seasons | 04 Additional Covers | PMFBY Complete Coverage

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PInCER™ is a powerful amalgamation of advanced actuarial practices, Nat Cat modeling, mobile technologies, image processing and remote sensing techniques backed by long time series data sets and multi disciplinary experts…

Product Suite:

  • Premium Pricing
    Arrive at premium pricing to bid for various clusters, in line with PMFBY operational guidelines
  • Portfolio Analysis
    Pre-assess the crop risk, and adopt a suitable reinsurance strategy to build a balanced crop insurance portfolio of states and clusters
  • Pre-Season Forecast
    Get district level weather and yield forecast, and factor it into your premium pricing before you bid


  • In-Season Tracker
    Track crop growth during the season, to get early headsup on distress hotspots & anticipate pay-outs


  • Policy Verification
    Verify crop insurance policies to assess the probability of moral hazard, and manage faster claim settlement