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RMSI has over two decades of experience in providing data creation and management services. Our end-to-end service portfolio ranges from geospatial data capture, conversion and processing to integration, maintenance and update.

RMSI provides these services using disparate sources like paper maps, pre-existing digital data, field collected information, and multi temporal information across varied digital formats like jpegs, pdf’s and for use by technology agnostic systems ranging from proprietary to open source.

We start with a consultancy approach to fully understand the customer’s business needs which are then translated into technology driven workflows using RMSI’s proprietary flow lines. Further, these workflows are constantly monitored through our QCDS framework.

Our clients include government and private sector end customers who use geo data for direct dissemination or consumption within internal or external facing systems. The datasets are created for delivery across multiple platforms ranging from desktop and web, to mobile and cloud. Our services are offered as either GIS managed data services, bespoke projects or staff augmentation in situations/customers where data sensitivity and information security restrictions permit only onsite activities.


Conversion and Maintenance

RMSI has developed proprietary methods to enhance, update and maintain geo-databases, which allow us to retain extensive information attached to existing features and vectors, while recreating features from the current imagery and other input sources. Key services include:

  • Geo-enabling legacy databases
  • Enhancing existing geo-databases in terms of realigning geometric shapes to ensure positional accuracy, conflation, and retaining and/or updating attribute information
  • Allowing interoperability of geo-databases for different data formats and software platforms
  • Consulting assignments for Enterprise GIS database design

Data Migration

RMSI undertakes services to migrate legacy data into and for use by modern systems and delivery channels. The processes employed for this range from consultancy to turnkey implementation. RMSI offers data migration both as a standalone service or as an integrated part of a wider engagement. Key benefits include:

  • Risk minimization through robust data validation, workflows, and approval processes
  • Cost control due to reduction in migration efforts
  • End-to-end visibility across tasks and schedules
  • Simplification in migration processes due to built-in methodology and templates

Cartography & Mapping

RMSI has extensive expertise in providing cartography mapping services to clients worldwide including cartographic styling, text annotation and placement, design and development of map furniture, and preparation of print ready digital outputs.

We offer customized solutions to our clients with value added services, such as modifying a geo-database for a specific country to enable provision of wall, fold, or flip maps, or regional and country map products. Key solutions include:

  • Data Development – Creating map databases involving creation of RAW GDB, Maplex and Structure GDB
  • Cartographic Refinement – Geometry cleanup, styling, text tidy, annotation and placement
  • Layout Design and Indexing – Custom layout creation and preparation of map indexes
  • Custom Map products – including fold maps, atlas maps, recreation maps

Conflation & Realignment

RMSI has robust workflow processes to conflate various datasets to a geo-referenced landbase and enhance the data using Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI) techniques.

RMSI has developed ‘ConflateX™’ – a comprehensive data conflation solution that spatially aligns the existing geospatial data to a more spatially accurate landbase / street centerline / aerial imagery ensuring zero loss to data integrity and business downtime. For more information on ConflateX™.

Consolidation & Integration

RMSI has expertise in consolidating data available from multiple sources, formats or locations into a single comprehensive GIS database, while maintaining the look and feel of the datasets. This unique service offering is extensively used when different parts of the same organization use and/or are responsible for maintaining different elements of the same master dataset, for large initiatives in public sector data sharing and for private data content providers. Consolidation and integration offers the following benefits:

  • Improves productivity and efficiency
  • Reduction in operating costs
  • Easier to meet data protection laws and requirements
  • Enables use of better customer data to create closely targeted campaigns